Yay, my first post. Honestly I have lots to blog about and am just to lazy to do so.
Work is taking its toll on me and the happenings around is somewhat adding to the laziness. Its like everything is clogged up and there's only so little room to talk about it. I rather talk it over the phone or MSN chat and not sharing it with anyone.
Yup, that's me now, in 2008 that is. I feel everything is going against my will and in some occasion nothing that I can do about it. So helpless. So freaking tired.
I wake up everyday only to look forward to my next holiday and also seeing her online. That's about it. My eating habit has not been a normal one. Sometimes i feel like i can gobble up a whole cow and just sometimes my tummy couldnt fit a grain of rice.
Sleepless nights. I feel the mounting hours of staring blankly at the ceiling taking its toll on me. Feeling zombified at some point. It happened quite frequently lately and the only time I get to sleep well is during the weekends. So, yup, my weekends are mostly spend on the bed and i even skipped meals during then. Lucky enough, my eyebags are already there, so its not that significant anyway.
It hasn't been a good start of late, two of my friends are in the hospital for all the wrong reasons, someone I've met before died innocently in a hit-and-run incident, I have presentation to the management due next week and I haven't start anything yet, I had two 'beef jerky' from the police for having lunch which I know it is my fault, my mom who will be undergoing surgery and I'm totally terrified by it. Someone who lives alone by herself in a foreign land and worried sick for her safety sometimes. Yea that basically sums up the 10 days into the new year. Alot to digest, but its going well I guess, so far. Maybe I should start praying again at night.
Oklar, no more depressing stories for the time being, I hope after Chinese New Year will have better days to come.