Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I love Malaysia!!!!

Renewed my passport today and to my suprise, the immigration department was living up to its motto "MESRA, AMANAH DAN TEGAS dan KHIDMAT DENGAN SENYUMAN"
The service was good and efficient as compare to many bad experiences before hand and i must say, they are still good ones around.

Those that deserve to be shot at are the ones with no moral constitution to care about others. How hard is it to follow a simple mindset of keeping quiet in the cinema?

We're not leaving in a stone age nor are we not well educated in our country. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this people? Are they acting dumb or did their parents drop them when they were a baby? Retards. I didn't spend 10 bucks to hear your pussy giggle or ur gayish conversation with your friend. If i need narration, i can read from the fucking screen. Mahgehaichaocibai.

I don't usually get tick off easily, but yesterday my blood was boiling up to my head that i had to keep reminding myself not to make a scene out of it because it's Transformers.
A piss-off stare obviously didn't work.
A verbal insult didn't work either.
So maybe a whack in the head ought to do the trick next time.

It's really saddening to even claim that we're in a developing country. With people like that, i don't think we're going anywhere far.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go figure out who runs the country.
Thankiew for ruining my movie. Thankiew for the wonderful scent from your feet. Thankiew for making another reason to hate 'you' even more.



Anonymous said...

Hey! I watched Transformers yesterday!! It was damn damn cool!! Next time bring pepper spray. Once those buggers open their mouth, spray it in. #$@&$@?!

tek said...

did the guy behind u took of his shoes as well? we shldn't be bringing pepper spary..i think we shld be bringin chainsaws and just saw of these fckers stinky legs next time! after i sort of told him off abt his stinky feet, he actually gave me that girlish response, TCH! like as though..what's wrong?! it's only me taking off my shoes in a public area with air conditioner so everyone can smell my "nice" feet! FOOKHEADS!

Anonymous said...

just tell that focker off, "your feet is horrible. keep them in your mouth"

Anonymous said...

A swift kick to nuts cures all woes.

For the person doing the kicking at least.

- the writer