Monday, December 17, 2007

The Soft Dive of Oblivion

Just when I'm all ready to go home for a nice hot shower, the nature has its way of playing a fool out of me.
Yup, raining cats and dogs outside and my stomach is playing the usual orchestra at this time of the hour.


I should have known earlier. Wasn't a good sign to begin with ; gloomy clouds and the smell of rain from a distance. I'm alone now. In the office at least, everyone has gone home. Not a usual sight. Haha

Two things that are lingering in my mind right now.
What awaits me for dinner and the magazine on the shelves!
You had your way of getting back at me haven't you. Sigh
Such weakness I have in me. And I thought it was going ok, why do you have to reappear again out of nowhere. Well at least it got me going for the day. I'm proud of what you've done. Really.
With a faint smile I wonder, how's it going to be?

Two more days and counting. A break, finally.
Is there anything I'm going to miss?
I wonder.

Maybe the ferris wheel and the road up hill.

At least I've got my bus ticket home. Such a daddy's boy. What would I do without you around. ;)

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