I'm sitting on the ledge waiting for the time to fly
People walked pass a guy with bandage on his right arm;sprained from excessive carrying of boxes.
The weather is rather humid today and thanks to the sound/air pollution, it adds up to the city-like feeling.
I have yet to bump into anyone I know. Should I be thankful or does that make me an anti-social person?
Strangers smile at me. I return the gratitude. Why shouldn't I?
I'm having my break now in 1901. Soon,someone will join me for a hotdog meal. The tantalizing taste of New York Chicken never fail to satisfy my tummy.
In front of me is an old lady begging for a decent meal. Her source of pityness comes from two innocent children sleeping by the walkway. One barely a year old and the second seems like a healthy 3 year old who's supposed to be having fun with kids his age. Not where he is now.
I pity them.
I have a few fears that haunt the living shit out of me eversince I was a child.
One of them is balloon.
I don't know why I'm very afraid of balloons. Burst balloon especially. Phobia perhaps? I had to deal with my fear today as I was the one pumping and distributing the balloons to my sandwich men. Everyone wants a helium balloon. I can make a fortune selling balloons to them.
Since it was free, you see children , teenagers , parents and even old lady came and ask balloon from me.
I was happy. I want to be a balloon man if there is any chance again. I'm happy being the balloon man =)
Happy new year everyone !