Monday, December 04, 2006


The evening spells excitement
Been awhile since her radiance light the night
She smells like angels ought to smell
I fire up a cigarette and hands her mine tasting her lips on it
and suddenly my heart's pounding so loud I can't hear anything else
All the things I see in your eyes, the perfect eyes
So calm and innocent it sparkles like stars in a clear bright sky
She's soft and warm and almost weightless
Her perfume is sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes
I wanted to tell her that everything will be alright
That I'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far far away
Finally,still pictures of her eases my sleep
I wouldn't wanna Imagine what the real thing could do
I'm too dumb to put the whole picture together yet, but
whatever she said made a heartache; her current stand and persuade
The commas and word means nothing without the fullstop.
I'm certain for sure now that I'll wait for the next sentence to start

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