Friday, December 30, 2005

2006 New Years Resolution

In the year 2006, I plan to:

- Grow some meat. Zh'ng my body.

- Eat more food, without having any complains from my friends.(Eat abit more kena scolding, niabeh)

- Put 30% of my salary into savings and buy properties/car. (I think this 1 cannot lar, see money in bank sure spend ..aiyoh)

- Travel. Definitely want to see the open world. First stop, Australia!

- Get a digital camera. Tiu mo, still havent get 1 yet. Credit card faster come ar!

- Will not get Wasted again. Will not get wasted again. Will not get wasted again.

- Alcohol is not your friend. Remember that.

- Dota is only a temporary hobbie. Not a full time activity. REMEMBER that.

- Learn a new language. Not hamsap language ok.

- Get PS3 by Christmas. (*prays* for pirated games)

- Try to find a new job closer to home. Less Jam, Less Stress, more money.

- Keep in touch with long lost friends.

- Get a new gf. ><


tek said...

goodluck with most of your resolutions.

alvinrox said...

you not supportive geh =( cibai

Anonymous said...

hahah he said good luck and it's not supportive? :P anyway, good resolutions!! hope u can achieve them by 2007!! then u can update yer blog on 31st dec 2006 to tell us how much u have actualy achieved!!