Friday, May 19, 2006

If only....I had a million bucks...

Weekend is here again..for once I'm not looking forward to it. Weekend or weekdays, it's still crappy for me.
Sien until tulan. Tulan until can grow moss. My life need a major zh'ng. A big big transition. If only i had money , things will be different then.

IF I had a million bucks right now,

-I'll buy a Honda Civic.
-I'll get my ass to Amsterdam and eat space cakes all day long.
-I want to feel heaven in Shinjuku.
-I'll get world cup tickets for all Italy matches.
-My friends will get a grandfather chivas each.
-Get Dark by Design to play live set in ss18 padang.
-Build a nice house.
-Bribe my way to dinner with Sarah Tan.
-Send my parents for a nice holiday.
-Buy a billboard and hang my face with the title "I rox"
-Quit the company and self employed
-Put 100k in the bank for rainy days.

and the list go on...


Anonymous said...

enuff lar... it will prolly last 6 months max =)

tek said...

depends wethere u mean a mill RM or a mill USD or a mill pound... ;)

Anonymous said...

u are seriously TOO FREE!! haha