Monday, May 08, 2006

Random rant.

During those times when Internet was not a boom yet, I had a small diary book to keep me company. It was a black classy book with a book mark attached to it. Writing was more like a hobby back then. When you read back what you wrote couple of years down the road, somehow you remember back the good old days. That's the best part.

I was never good in writing. One of the things that i regretted is having myself joining the IT industries. If I had the choice back then, I would have join journalism Or Psychiatric studies. I have the habit of thinking for other people. I know when people is 'tulan' or 'bohsong', but it only applies to guys. So damn easy to read. When it comes to woman, then there will be a lil bit of problem there.

Most guys would say they are from a different planet. I would agree so. Their ego , emo , banging sessions, they are like a class above the guy species. 'Terra' like hell. The mood swings are worse than share market. It would be a man's dream to possess power to read woman just like Mel Gibson in "What Woman Wants".

My weekend was great. Uncle lim handed over some cash to me just when I desperately needed them. Although it's not alot, but sufficient enough to last me through 2 weeks. We played prank calls using public phone in genting and it was fucking hilarious. I'll youtube it when i bring my camera. =)

Sorry to all the victims. Please don't report to 'mata' ok. We are just bunch of innocent people who just wants to kill time.

Feeling very drowsy now, I'm heading back home at 2.15pm soon.

Catch you guys later.


eRic said...

w00t! win money then this saturday spend vodka redbull lar! :P

Anonymous said...

spend you minyak cap kapak ok mou?

same effect on you


Anonymous said...

call police CATCH YOU, u nottie fella, since it was YOUR IDEA!!! heh!

tek said...

i was an innocent bystander. * harps appears on my head * =P

Anonymous said...

i got prove lar tek, dont need to act innocent ok... =)

me lar innocent..i told them not to do it..they just won't listen .. woohoo

iesnek said...


Loan shark konon >_<

tek said...

HAHAHHAHAHA!!! you were the eeeevillll mind behind it!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!