Oh how they just idolize and adore the good looking ones as if they've seen a God walking on the street.
Even my mom, of all people join the millions who would go googoogaga over Rain the Korean phenomenon.
Not the fanatic type though, luckily.
I still scratch my head sometimes.
So, I was browsing through the internet today,
and I found this website.
It gives hope to ugly people like me.
check out the result.

Super bangga gila babi cannot sleep !!! 70% lookalike wei, dun pray pray.
It just made my day. =)
Now, to tell her that her son resembles her idol,
hmph..... how do I even know where to start.
"Ah ma! Ngo Tak Jor La!!!"?
ps: sorry had to remove the Kelly lookalike. hehe anyhow, i think she should be proud. 96% sial!
wah lau eh
She alrdy kembang la! WTH..!! Haha... Can you choose the celeb. or they choose for you?
Finally comments are allowed. If not can't shoot you. =)
I wonder who is that 'She' you are talking about hah =)
There will be a bunch of results but Kelly hu is the highest percentage.
I'm praising the 'she' ,not a valid reason to shoot me.
Kelly Hu got fake boobs. I think
hahahahahaha..i seriously couldnt friggin stop laughing ler wei!!!!
To be proud that you look like someone else is just kinda sad..don't cha think ;)
And hooray for the comment comeback..muahahaha...! :)
oak : WTF?! where did you read such nonsense -.-
tek : which part of "Gives ugly people like me , HOPE!" that you don't understand hah? hehe
Rain wei, adored by many , nuff said
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