A week old from 2007, I have yet to state my resolutions for the year. =)
Let's see how last year's reso went.
- Grow some meat. Zh'ng my body.
Pass - havent had time to Zhn'g, definitely put on weight. Not that fat la, got mini bonggol only
- Eat more food, without having any complains from my friends.(Eat abit more kena scolding, niabeh)
Fail - still get frequent complains and always in the limelight when i complain hungry. Leave me alone =.=
- Put 30% of my salary into savings and buy properties/car. (I think this 1 cannot lar, see money in bank sure spend ..aiyoh)
Fail - Not enough money for myself, but i do have some savings now...Yay!
- Travel. Definitely want to see the open world. First stop, Australia!
Fail - Furthest I went was Redang =.= Ninabeh. This year i will get out from the country.
- Get a digital camera.
Pass - Got an Ixus 60 =)
- Will not get Wasted again. Will not get wasted again. Will not get wasted again.
Pass - Only wasted once this year. Very good achievement.
- Alcohol is not your friend. Remember that.
Pass - No more drinking for me. Only casual drinks on friend's birthday.
- Dota is only a temporary hobbie. Not a full time activity. REMEMBER that.
Pass - Been months since my last dota game. No more addicted to it
- Learn a new language. Not hamsap language ok.
Fail - Err, totally forgotten about this .
- Get PS3 by Christmas.
Fail - Just launch in Asia and freaking expensive.
- Try to find a new job closer to home. Less Jam, Less Stress, more money.
Pass - Got a new job. Less Jam
Fail - More stress, losing hair and not a very good pay. Two words ; bangla work
- Keep in touch with long lost friends.
Pass - Kept in touch with some Australian friends and been in touch with kindergarden friends. Still alot more to do.
- Get a new gf. ><
Fail - Miserably. hahah Like always
This year's Resolution
1. Visit at least 2 continents or 3 countries
2. Appear in newspaper for all the right reasons.
3. Get a new job that I enjoy doing.
4. Quit smoking and drinking entirely.
5. Be health concious and eat healthier food.
6. Pick up a new hobby
7. Meet a foreign friend.
8. Move out
9. Be less emo-er =)
10. Settle down
I think it's pretty much achievable. Just need to start getting work done. Hope you guys have a great year ahead !