Monday, January 08, 2007


You cannot imagine how I spent my day today.
It has to be the most UNPRODUCTIVE DAY ever recorded in the working industry.


I just stood in the office with a bunch of open-minded colleagues and start talking about sex. =.=

Sex , sex and more sex.

Not interesting enough? someone had to give me a Condom survey to do. How bout that!

I even managed to bore a few victims with a long spam message of "Boooooooorrrrrriiingggggggg!"

Some went offline straightaway, Some asked me to STFU, and some just didint' even bothered to layan me. So mean the people i mix with . Hehe

I couldn't log in to blogger, and if I did, i would have written the longest post EVER.

As I was talking today, somehow it hit me , that I badly needed a hobby. So I've decided to either do cooking or cycling or prolly both if I have the time.

If you have any contacts regarding a cooking class near Klang Valley, please oh please be a saint and recommend to me because I think the only thing that will piss my mom off is to cook better than her =)