Friday, March 03, 2006

Something about me me me me and me

Friday night once more.Time flies as if it was yesterday.
Its Been a wonderful week for brilliant that i wished to say how good it was. Unfortunately writing about her will only lead to more questions.

We talked alot, over the phone and sometimes even face to face. Although sometimes there are communication barrier between us, we made it happen somehow. I'm really glad she's like what i always wanted. I guess paying 5 bucks for the lantern really pays off.

True love never runs smooth.This statement was actually taken from someone and I think its fucking true.

We've been talking alot about the past and how she ended up losing in the relationship being the victim of another fairy tale romance. I told her to be real frank about everything and she actually open up to me. I'm really grateful she shared her past, and god it hurts so bad sometime you wished you were there.

Unfortunately, there are some stuffs which haunts me right till today. Haih. Stress gila babi. And yeah i've started smoking again so Fuck the world. I smell like ciggerette butt right now it feels so pathetic. Don't worry it's not going to be a habit, only for momentarily, once everything is sorted out, I'll stop. I hope.

Anyone knows where to undergo brain wash operation??? Desperately need one right now.


Going slow and liking her even more. SEE ROAD!! WALK ROAD!!


Anonymous said...

be strong, noob.

we all have our trials.


Anonymous said...

I'm holding on to it.Eventhough it's hanging by the cliff.

Thanks for the support.