Wednesday, September 13, 2006


How would you know if you had sway from course of nature?

Diversified from the path that you planned to walk and into an abyss.

Knowing that what awaits you from the tiny fraction of light would not be what you were actually expecting.

and the fear of making the next step might ignite a bleak future.

The only thing i'm holding tightly on is hope.

Although hope is merely a word to comfort souls who are lost, i'm still clinging to it for I know it will lead me out from this misery.

what misery you say?

Walking alone in the valley of shadow of death.

KaCheeng !

I'm crapping , ignore this post .


Anonymous said...

is this work or relationship kind of sad blog post?

Anonymous said...

max: when he said ignore, u just ignore, NO questions!!

this post is ignored. hiak hiak

alvinrox said...

I'm ignoring you two.. hehe,
It's some crappy post .. i just typed it for no apparent reason

Anonymous said...

you just suck cos you aint coherent =D