Monday, September 11, 2006

Surviving !

I'm still standing !
I gotta reward myself for going through a week of gruesome working hours and constant away from office to be stucked in traffic jams around KL and still found it bearable to work.

Yippee ! in the process, i had a rift with 1 of the directors and fell sick the following day.

Truthfully speaking, I'm not entirely happy with everything ! I just don't know how to explain in detail what's really bothering me. It's like hanging on a tight rope and not knowing whether to move forward or go back to where you begin and realizing that any wrong turn u make, u'll end up falling into a pit.

I'm completely hopeless when it comes to making decisions.

In the midst of being occupied by workload and stressful environment, i think it's nice to receive
short smses on your whereabouts. It just made you feel good. Dont you think so?

And since then, I have always looked forward in seeing you , and somehow I did.

You gave me a sense of calmness and lifted the burden off my shoulder.

It keeps playing in my head, after sending you home, when will i get to see you again.


Anonymous said...

all the best aite ! =) hope it works out for u bro. =)

as for me, im confused cos she's confused.damn it

Anonymous said...

If you need any help making decisions, you can always share with us your probs and of course we wont be reluctant to share what do we think about that particular subject.

Anonymous said...

max, u talking to me or to alvin ?
if it's me, no worries ! it's alrite ! =) all cool !

Anonymous said...

I say we vote for it :P

democracy babeh~

Anonymous said...

hahahah take the L away from lover and it's all over. :)

k k just kidding. dun whack me!

tek said...

which director? the one that likes hot dogs? :P

Anonymous said...

tubz: its for both of you :P

Anonymous said...

tubz: thanks bro =)

max: thanks man! sorry for not turning up the other day. ill try to come on saturday ok! no promises though.

kensei: vote apa? me for perdana menteri ke?

cl: who taught u that? it takes more than to trigger my anger ;)
funny !

tek: it's a guai lo director, not the 'cam-cam' 1. I stayed away from him.. haha

Oak said...

I think I am confuse too for I am confuse with what Tubby is confused about which he claim he is confused with what she is confused about which I am confuse with who is she and what is she confused about. What a bloody Con-fusion

Anonymous said... confused cos she's confused, and the girl that im confused about has nothing to do anything with you being confused. dun be confuse as it's just a minor confusion, and i hope i manage to clear your confusion. cheers

Anonymous said...

you both made me confused -.-