Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Celestial Fireworks

The first star I see may not be a star
and the time's is such a clumsy time, deciding if it's time.
I'm careful but not sure how it goes
In the end we lose ourselves in our courage.

I've been here before but only by myself
What giving up gives you, and where giving up takes you,
Right here we can be anything, and I think that scares us away,
I've had and I've been, here in center frame there's only air.
Just enough space to fit.

The big hand goes round again,
Moving in one direction finding another to clap.
But it's okay, it's okay because it's getting tired and I'm putting it down.
Just so I can hear you, I stay up late as it takes, as long as it takes.

I close my eyes and believe that wherever you are, the Angels are keeping you close with them.

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