Saturday, November 10, 2007

Growing Sideways

Do you realize that some questions in life that you want answers to are normally the hardest question you can ask someone?

Is everything well planned like what we're made believe to?
Why haven't they invented time machine?
Don't they know alot of people would want to go back in time even if its just for a second?

Or why am I here when I can be half a world away sipping freshly brewed beer in a rundown pub?

Why him? why her? why nobody? why love? why hate?
Three letters of mystery.

We are who we are today from the experience in life.
What we've been through, they haunt us simply because we can't forget about it.
Maybe not now, maybe we don't have the strength to do so at this point of time,
maybe there are still questions left unanswered,
maybe we're all dumbstrucked by the sudden change that we can't cope with,
maybe something we unintentionally did,
or maybe some things are just out of your control that there's no point putting the blame on yourself.

The talk came to me in a very convenient time.
Not everything is your fault. Why the harsh treatment?
We don't live our lifes for others, but for ourselves and ourselves alone.
And as long as we're happy, nothing else really matter does it?

I do like to think about the life in the future, how it's a so intriguing.
I like to think about what was going on the years when we were growing,
How the sun was shining that summer or if it rained... what the weather was like.
I think about all those people who had footprints in my heart and if it's an old friend, or new
how many of them who would still be there for you.
I love how people continues to evolve, how every time I open my mind they give their taste differently than if I had opened it on any other day.
How we're constantly evolving and gaining complexity.

That is, until it peaks - like and old wine - and begins its steady, inevitable decline.

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