Monday, November 26, 2007

Into Thin Air

As i'm sitting alone in this closed-up room
my lungs are finding it hard to breath.

my drink has gone cold,
with dilluted taste of hazel crumbs in my chocolate.
it doesn't taste as good as it was before
like the first taste from a freshly brewed cup

on and off i get a weak signal of internet,not good enough to have a decent conversation
i have work to do, but i'm here.i chose to be here not because i want to, but i have no where to go.

appointment at 6 and i've been here since 3.
2 hours gone by and i couldnt recall how many has come and go.
maybe i should take a walk.
to get some fresh air, to clear my mind.

this lady, who just came, she smokes like a chimney
every 10 mins she lid one, probably waiting for her friend

her eyes. they look blank. it looks sad from a different angle, watery like tears clogging up.
everything change when she forced a smile.

Naturally, we observe people. Either unintentionally, or for some of us, we do it quite frequently like a routine habit.
We listen to stranger's conversation.
We get caught up with stranger's scent when they walk pass us.
We catch people with dreamy look just to find out what's so intriguing
How they can leave the world and be in a world of their own.
We see how other people react , how they lid they ciggerette or sip through the tip of their straw.
How they stare into thin air and have the most remarkable look on their face. That some other people are actually looking.

We do that.
Or maybe just me.
And it amazes me.

All the time.

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