Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rain my night

Two killer tea, and i'm clearly wide awake now with no intentions to fall into slumber.
The holiday wasn't supposed to be like this, time spend in front of the computer and catching on with movies.

The irony is starting to show. The part where we take our time to get off from bed and skipping meals. Just lay still.

Frozen, reluctant to move an inch, waiting for some sign to hit the brain.
Looking for an excuse to get off that comfort zone.

We all live the day for a purpose. Whether its work or life, we go places to meet people, or to catch that familiar faces, or maybe just to feel alive. Most of the time we just make do with what we have, and hope that at the end of the day the very least we can obtain is a small fragment of happiness. No regrets.

Half of the time, we forget about it and move on to the next day because what may come next, is only a mystery waiting to be unfold. We look forward to a new beginning, a fresh start like a new race. And I guess the only time we should get worried about is when everyday turn mundane, just the same shit, different day. Then we pray for changes.

We seek high and low for something new. Maybe not extraordinary, but different.
Anything different is good. Good for the soul, good for the heart and whatelse...
All i wanted so bad, is to be good, but I know it will never be the same.
The cake has gone cold, a slice was taken, and never will it be a whole again.
It takes time to come up with a recipe, and together with good ingredients, it just taste good.
So good it melts like honeycomb chocolate in the mouth.

It has been a turbulence month, high and low, not even the share market can match it.
Life cannot be more unpredictable than this, but eventually, life will have its own way to put us back on track.

A new year is coming, I'm looking forward to it, but right now, I'm more worried about the remaining days before that day approach.

Happy birthday Julian! Another year has gone by, and thank you for the nights that you lend your ears to me, unconditionally. Well maybe with a bottle of beer and a few ciggys, but still,

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