Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ichiban week.

Sien betul. Nobody updates blog anymore except for Mr.Kensei who constantly makes emo entries on his blog. Good alter ego there dude,keep up those amusing stories.

What inspires you to blog i wonder...

For me, blogging is merely just a wasting time activity.I blog only when i'm at office. When super sien, too much time, and cannot surf porn, wild imagination runs and so i have to write it down lor. My english not powderful enough,I dunno how to use bombastic words and i dun have sexy photos to upload so i write about what happen on the days i had live on.

I don't know how i ended up with the crap on top.

Anyway, last week was FCukingFantisticular!!!oneone!

-Manchester United owned Liverpool (Free meal in Chillis for me, Thanks JD! you are supporting the wrong team man.)

-Finished my CNY shopping. (RM 700 down the road, dun ask me what i bought. I'm just happy i got 5 new pairs of underwear.)

-Ate FREE courtesy of bonus from Mr.Kensei. Thanks!!! (bugger say i never say thank him enough . NAH I THANK YOU ON MY BLOG OK! KNNMCB)

-Watched Memoirs Of a Geisha with a whole cinema filled with LB members. (fucking scary ok, i was so scared the guy next to me ask me to join). Thanks for the free movie ticket Chiew and Adrian !

- The very same night, a horde of BMWs parked outside 1 Utama. First time saw so many BMWs parked together. Jakun gila babi (Take a wild guess on whose BMWs are those belonged to)

- I didn't had alcohol on the weekends. Neither will I consume any in the following weeks to come.Time to gamble and not wasted.

- Had an awkward moment when shopping at subang parade. This joker, dah lah cannot swim, still want to buy swimming trunks. When you want to learn a lesson? if want to buy private things, don't invite us along. Practically, the whole department can hear us laugh. Why do we laugh? Do the thinking yourself.

That's about it.My fun-filled weekend.


1 comment:

alvinrox said...

come on, you can do better than that..dont be lazy =P