Sunday, September 05, 2004

Atmosphere! Drunk! Blog? WTF!!!

I'm actually recovering from drunk mode while writing this..dont even bother to take this seriously =P..anyway just to satisfy my daily fetish of writing blogs, here i am!
Yesterday, i was in atmosphere partying like a wild animal and drowning myself in sorrows...haha neh was just joking.. more like spending my money just to get high =) it was such an unbelievable feeling.. getting high on alcohol is like floating on mid-air.. i know i know! its hazardous to health right? so what? we aint gonna live till 100 years old...just do whatever you feel like doing ! it make's you feel so damn good ...
took several photos in atmos, (will publish it later), drink free tequilas and constantly refilling drinks to make your friends drunk is just too much to laugh about =). I had a splendid time with 'the gang' ..NO! its more like 'the drunkards!'. hehe so funny to see when your friends are drunk...even amusing when u sabo your friends drink =P hahaha poor kevin ! piss drunk!..(dont blame us, it was his birthday anyway *winkwink*)
Chill awhile at the entrance of atmos, i was the Driver!!, so incase of road block i took 2 Extra Mint chewing gums, 1 wrigleys chewing gum, 3 clorets !! OMFG,talk about precautions! sheesh~
my mouth was so minty that ivan just had to ask me to go home and wank! i asked him why must wank? "Do only lar , you consume so much mint, later you mandul how? " @@" WTF??
didnt know too much mint could make u impotence =P...careful man! your dragon need to be 'functional' at all times!!! hahaha
well, reach home at around 5am...freaking tired but not sleepy =.=" just had to sit down on my com chair and browse the net...haih me = freak =P...anyway, so happy to find new pic of her...nyeknyek! now can sleep better...hahah ..good morning! time to sleep..

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