Monday, January 16, 2006

Party and coin

I hate mondays.

Monday marks the beginning off my mundane life again. I just hate the feeling of driving to work once again after an enjoyable weekend.I'll have another 5 days to go till i can party again. That sure sounds like a short period of time.

My weekend was good. Real good i must say. I partied on Saturday till my legs hurt. My sweetlegs are so worned out thanks to the dancing. Zouk is like my weekend home now due to the constant visit and it's hurting my wallet. I feel the pinch. Any cheaper alternatives for hong ngau ngau? (Ifyou are wondering what's hong ngau ngau, it is actually redbull with vodka, and it's good;for facial and body.)

It was a cool outing. (if only i can show my b-boys move, it will definitely owned those shufflers =P )

I had to refraint myself from drinking too much just because i was driving that night. I wasn't near the "wall-of-shame-for-being-wasted". That night, noone made it there. How unfortunate. They better not or else i'll just leave them by the road side to puke.

Some bizarre thing happened, yesterday. So stupid when you think about it, you will feel even stupidier. The story behind it was just a simple coin toss.

Ok, Imagine shitting on a warm nice toilet bowl. After disposing all the toxics from your body, you wipe ur ass clean. Then you flush the toilet. Then you get out from the toilet. But WAIT, you grab a coin, and you toss. If it's HEAD, you SHIT again and if it's TAIL, you go do something else. A normal person would say, if you shit already, dun tell me you go back in and shit again meh? Where can? (unless you have stomach discomfort).

Guys and girls, be amazed with the simple work of a coin it can make you shit again. Oklar stop imagining. extract the shit part, and put "D-o-t-a" in it.
Those jokers and I had finished playing dota for 2 hours , then all paid up, went out have a chat, THEN THEN THEN, this brilliant idea came up.

"Wei, like this lar, if it shows 50 , we go in play again, if not we go yumcha ok?" ( I had a 50cent coin in my hand).

"OK!" not everyone agreed though.


50 cent facing upwards. *HOORAY*

all went in and login once more. KNNCCB.

Smart leh the idea? I thought so too =p. Long live the coin!!


eRic said...

haha... sure or not vodka redbull helps the body and facial?

alvinrox said...

eric: of course it helps lar... who needs SK2 when you have redbull vodka? free makeup =P when wana drink again? haha

tubz: the last coin toss was the killer lar...damn bloody funny. thinking of it still makes me laugh. but still, it took alot of stupidity to log in again.

tek said...
